

Today’s change makers need improved access to the best resources and tools. To facilitate this, Arabia Felix now offers an online quiz free of charge on a wide range of topics in conflict management and peacebuilding. Sharpen your skills to promote peaceful coexistence and manage conflict and earn a certificate upon completion. This Arabia Felix quiz format is designed for all levels, beginner and advanced, in a convenient self-paced format that is available 24/7. It offers additional resources for those interested in diving deeper into a topic.

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Arabia Felix Peacebuilding Quiz

Free From beginner to advanced levels

The Arabia Felix Peacebuilding Quiz helps you to get an overview of the main concepts and challenges that shape the work in the peacebuilding field. It exposes you to the various tools and types of interventions utilised in the field and provides real-world examples that demonstrate the complex nature of peacebuilding. Do you want to become a peacebuilding champion for your community? Then this quiz is for you!  

What will you learn?

  • Familiarise yourself with different perspectives on peace, conflict, and violence.
  • Gain understanding of key peacebuilding priorities.
  • Learn about peacebuilding best practices from around the world.
  • Understand how context and perspective influence the peacebuilding process.
  • Identify the different conflict analysis tools, types of interventions, and strategies for building peaceful coexistence in the Yemeni context.
  • Develop a better understanding of Islamic perspectives of peacebuilding and reconciliation.
  • Get to know actors and structures of peacebuilding – from the global to the local level.
  But wait, there is more: If you reach a certain score, you will get access to secret bonus content!
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